
Brandnewhtml5LightshotforChrome.WealllovedourgoodoldLightshotChromeextensionsinceitwasasimpleandreliabletoolfortakingscreenshots.,NowclickontheLightShoticon:·Selecttheareayouwanttocapture,thenchoosethepreferredoption:·Createsalinkthatyoucanusetouploadthedesired ...,Simpleandconvenientscreenshottool.Selectanarea,edityourscreenshotanduploadittotheserver.Lightshotisthefastestwaytotakeacustomizabl...

Brand new html5 Lightshot for Chrome

Brand new html5 Lightshot for Chrome. We all loved our good old Lightshot Chrome extension since it was a simple and reliable tool for taking screenshots.

How to Take a Screenshot in Google Chrome

Now click on the LightShot icon: · Select the area you want to capture, then choose the preferred option: · Creates a link that you can use to upload the desired ...

Lightshot (screenshot tool)

Simple and convenient screenshot tool. Select an area, edit your screenshot and upload it to the server. Lightshot is the fastest way to take a customizable ...

Lightshot (screenshot tool) for Google Chrome

2020年10月26日 — Lightshot screenshot tool is special software that has been designed to make it easy for users to capture screenshots of images on their PC or ...

Lightshot (畫面擷取工具)

2024年3月19日 — Lightshot is the fastest way to take a customizable screenshot. Simple interface, nothing useless and light weight.

Lightshot downloads

This add-on will add a new button to your Google Chrome browser bringing all the Lightshot features in. Take a shot of whatever you can see on your screen, edit ...

Lightshot Screenshot

Best screen recorder and screenshot tool for Chrome. Record or screen capture and then edit it, share your professional-looking videos instantly. Record amazing ...

Lightshot Screenshot - screenshot tool

The #1 app to make a full webpage screenshot or just any part of it with an opportunity to edit, save and download screen capture to your PC. The app is ...

Lightshot — Mac和Win的截图工具

Lightshot (screenshot tool)SkillbrainsFREE - In Google Play. VIEW · Lightshot ... 我们都爱我们原来优秀的Lightshot Chrome扩展,因为它是截图的方便可靠的工具。

Lightshot — screenshot tool for Mac & Win

Fast screenshot of selected area: Our app allows you to select any area on your desktop and take its screenshot with 2 button-clicks. · Easy-to-use application ...